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  1. Browse to in your browser. Hit Sign Up / Login and create an account using your Baldwin username and email. Use any password you'd prefer. Finally, get yourself logged in!
    • Browse to in your browser.

    • Hit Sign Up / Login and create an account using your Baldwin username and email. Use any password you'd prefer.

    • Finally, get yourself logged in!

  2. Click 'Create Design' once you are logged in. Create a custom size of 4"x3.5" to fit the 2x4.
    • Click 'Create Design' once you are logged in.

    • Create a custom size of 4"x3.5" to fit the 2x4.

  3. You can use text elements, icons and shapes. The only thing in the design should be a black 1px border around the shapes you like. This is the line the laser will engrave.
    • You can use text elements, icons and shapes.

    • The only thing in the design should be a black 1px border around the shapes you like. This is the line the laser will engrave.

    • Stick to simple icons if you choose to use the icon tools.

    • Google around for inspiration, and advice. Tutorials for tools like Illustrator and Inkscape translate fairly well into

  4. Click the red 'Export' button in the top right.
    • Click the red 'Export' button in the top right.

    • Keep the canvas setting, but change the format to .SVG, not PNG.

    • Hit Export and turn in that file!

Finish Line

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Mr. Barnes

Member since: 10/31/2016

821 Reputation

6 Guides authored


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